Kitaco Kennels

Feb 27, 20233 min

Team Kitaco Cleans Up at CLKA

Wow, what an amazing weekend at the Canterbury Ladies Kennel Association shows! 3 Shows, 3 Best of Breeds and 2 Reserve Best of Breeds against a sizeable field.

It's been a while since we've had a local city show and it was awesome not to have to drive long distances or worry about motels or finding somewhere to put the gazebo (which was damaged in Dunedin a couple of weeks ago - but that's another story!). Also, some very thoughtful show secretary or show manager (not sure who) decided not to put the Toy Group on first, so we even got to sleep in a bit and still get to the show on time.

There were 3 shows this weekend - an Open Show and 2 Championship Shows.

We started with the Open Show where Ben took Best of Breed and Ava took the Reserve Best of Breed. That was followed by the first of the 2 Championship shows. This time Ava took Best of Breed, Best Bitch and Best NZ of Breed and Best NZ Bred of Group, while Ben took Reserve Best of Breed, Best Dog and Best Junior of Breed.

On Sunday, with another day of perfect dog showing weather, in the second championship show, against the best Christchurch could offer Ben took Best of Breed, Best Dog and Best Junior of Breed and was shorlisted in the Group line-up as well! Looking back at the results, this was the same result as the last local shows he entered in January. Reserve on day 1, Best of Breed on Day 2.

We're so thrilled with how this little guy is shaping up. Since moving up into the Junior Class, he's really starting to hit his stride. In 13 shows so far this year he has been awarded 7 Best of Breeds, 4 Reserve of Breeds and 4 Junior in Groups as well as being shortlisted for the Group lineup several times, under both local and international judges, one of whom was a Chihuahua expert from Japan.

We got a hint of his potentional as a puppy when he took Reserve Dog in the North Island against a full field of 17 other dogs at the Auckland Toy Dog Show in Oct 2022, and he then went on to win Best Puppy in Show (All-Breeds) in Southland just before he turned 1 year old.

This year, however, he has just blossomed. He is coating up beautifully, has a personality out of all proportion to his size and just adores every new person he meets. He is rock solid on the table (we could just hand the lead to the judge and walk away - Ben won't care) and thinks every show is just another opportunity for a perfect stranger to be his new best friend, even if it means looking at his teeth and a spot of inapproriate touching while they check he has 2 balls, LOL.

Ben's year so far:

Banks Peninsula A & P Society - Reserve of Breed

Banks Peninsula A & P Society - Best of Breed

Nelson District Kennel Association (AM Show) - Reserve of Breed, Junior in Group

Gore & Districts Kennel Association (Show 1) - Reserve of Breed

Gore & Districts Kennel Association (Show 2) - Best of Breed, Junior in Group*

Gore & Districts Kennel Association (Show 3) -Best of Breed

Waikouaiti Kennel Association (AM Show) - Best of Breed

Waikouaiti Kennel Association (PM Show) - Best of Breed, Junior in Group

Waikouaiti Kennel Association - Best of Breed, Junior in Group

Canterbury Ladies Kennel Association - Reserve of Breed

Canterbury Ladies Kennel Association - Best of Breed"

*Shortlisted by the judge for the Best of Group judging

We'd like to claim all the credit for his burgeoning success, but there are some things you just can't teach. He's the result of some very selective breeding from some very special champions with a splash of some secret sauce that is purely Ben, and Ben alone. Perhaps naming him after a Drag Queen helped!

The best part is that he is just getting started.