What a great result for Team Kitaco at the Geraldine Open Shows on Saturday! Despite the awful conditions, our kids soldiered on and came home with lots of frillies, including Best Intermediate in Show, a Puppy of Group and 2 Intermediate of Groups.

With Tracey working at the vet clinic this weekend, Jenny and Deb (Tinky's mum) headed off at the crack of dawn with the team to Orari in the vain hope the weather forecast was either wrong or it would clear by the time they arrived. No such luck (this is the photo they took sitting in the car waiting for the In Show judging to start!).
Despite this, with muddy rings (and a white dog!!) everyone in gum boots and wet weather gear, Team Kitaco, comprising Ava (NZ CH Kitaco Smashed Avacado), Tinky (Kitaco Mastermind) and Ben (Kitaco Ben de la Crème) had a great time.
Ava was a bit so-so about the rain, Tinky couldn't have cared less, and Ben was having the time of his life.
Ben loves water. He plays in it. He blows bubbles in his water bowl. The little bugger has also been known to back up to a water bowl, do a handstand on his front legs and somehow manage to poop in the team water bowl when he's feeling particularly obnoxious. He thinks puddles are awesome and hates it when you try to bring him inside if it's raining. He thought he'd just died and gone to heaven being allowed to go for a walk in the rain with treats!
Thanks to the Geraldine County Kennel Assocation committee for an excellent show in very trying conditions, the fabulous dog bed we won and for being such a friendly show. Thanks too, to judges JR and Lydia for standing there in the rain all day, and still smiling at the end of it.

Show 1
Judge : Robert A Alcantara Jr (New Zealand)
Intermediate in Show: NZ Ch Kitaco Smashed Avacado
Reserve Best of Group & Best Intermediate in Group: NZ Ch Kitaco Smashed Avacado
Best Puppy in Group: Kitaco Ben de la Creme
Chihuahua (Long Coat) Best of Breed, Best Bitch & Best Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Kitaco Smashed Avacado Reserve Best of Breed, Best Dog & Best Puppy of Breed: Kitaco Ben de la Creme Reserve Best Bitch & Best New Zealand Bred of Breed: Kitaco Mastermind
Show 2
Judge : Ms Lydia Jin (New Zealand)
Best Intermediate in Group: NZ Ch Kitaco Smashed Avacado
Chihuahua (Long Coat) Best of Breed, Best Bitch & Best Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Kitaco Smashed Avacado Reserve Best of Breed, Reserve Best Bitch & Best New Zealand Bred of Breed: Kitaco Mastermind
Best Dog & Best Puppy of Breed: Kitaco Ben de la Creme