What an Easter we've had! Our local wins paled into insignificance this weekend when our gorgeous boy Carlos (Kitaco Ambrosia), under one of the world's most respected Chihuahua Judges, Mrs Chizuru Kadawaki, took Best Baby Puppy in Show at the Betty Stepkovich Memorial Show hosted by the NSW Chihuahua Club Specialty show in Australia.
It's hard to explain what an honour it is to have a puppy recognised for excellence by such an esteemed Judge. Besides being a judge, Chizuru Kadawaki is a world renowned breeder. She is the owner of the Bramvers Kennels in Japan and the breeder of this year's Crufts Best of Breed winner, And this was no walkthrough. There were 103 Chihuahuas entered in this show, the largest Chihuahua show entry in Australia since the 2018 Nationals.
He then went on to take Best Opposite Baby Puppy in the second Championship show on Sunday, under South African Judge, Tracy Larkin.
Carlos was brilliantly handled by Jasmine Selby for her mum Iris, and they were still trying to wrap their heads around the enormity of his win when they messaged us with the results. The message we got, was "it was surreal" and that "the judge thought he was beautiful, and kept saying, so pretty, so pretty".
Most of the top breeders in Australia were represented at this show, so the honour of taking Baby Puppy in Show under such an expert judge in such a huge show in such quality company is incredible, and yes, for a wee pup from a little-known breeder in NZ, it is truly surreal.
Can't thank Iris and Jasmine enough for the wonderful job they are doing with this precious boy, and for their faith in me when I changed my mind last year about the dog I was planning to send them. At the last minute I decided he wasn't going to be the show prospect they wanted and promised I could do better for them if they waited. They trusted me and a few months later I sent them Carlos and it has just worked out beautifully for everyone.
Meanwhile, back in NZ...
...where we had a field one tenth the size of the Aussie show, we had 3 all-breeds shows at the North Canterbury Kennel Association (always a favourite because we live so close to the show grounds and don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to get there on time!).
Ben (NZ CH Kitaco Ben de la Creme) continued his winning streak, and took all three Best of Breeds, all three Open of Breeds and all three Best Dog CCs, while Ava (NZ CH Kitaco Smashed Avacado took one of the Reserve Best of Breeds, all three Best NZ Bred of Breed, a Best Bitch CC and a Reserve Bitch CC.
And then there was Tinky (NZ CH Kitaco Mastermind) who, after a well deserved break, stormed back into the ring and served notice on Ava that she was back, by taking all three Best Intermediates of Breed and the Reserve Best of Breed and the Best Bitch CC in the 3rd show.
Special thanks need to go to Nana Doreen for her spectacular catering (seriously, we ate like kings - club sandwiches! Cake! Brownies!), Arvia Caldwell for her excellent handing of Ava and 6-year-old Shelby Barltrop who helped us wrangle the baby puppies ringside and devoted her entire day looking after them and giving them cuddles to keep them warm from the wind,
So, that took care of the Easter shows and just left the first FCI show in NZ for 2023 on Monday.
Team Kitaco struck again at the FCI show under Australian judge, Mr Lance Wright. Ben took the Best of Breed and was awarded his first CACIB while Ava took Best Opposite of Breed and her 2nd CACIB.
Both were ranked Excellent and Mr Wight provided the following fabulous critique of Ben:
15 month male. Apple dome head with flaring ears on the correct angle. Level topline, flatish tail carried high. Sound brisk movement.
So, another great weekend where Kitaco took 6 out of the 7 CC's on offer, all of the Best of Breeds and three of the Reserve Best of Breeds as well.
Great shows as usual from the North Canty committee and now its time to get ready to hit the road again next weekend for the Nelson shows.