In March this year, our precious Narci travelled 17,331 klm from Athens to join our family. Already a Greek Champion and a Junior in Show winner in Europe, we were thrilled when George and Tony from the prestigious Mystic Legion Kennels in Greece, entrusted us with their precious boy.
We fell in love with Narci the moment we laid eyes on him and have delighted in learning about him, and him learning about being a part of our pack and our family, ever since. He has never failed to enchant us, made NZ Champion in a few short months, and given many judges head-scratching moments, over his starkly different type (we know this, ‘cause they’ve told us that, time and again).
But you know, it wouldn’t matter if he never showed again. He is a delightful boy and a member of our family and will be that for a lot longer than the brief time a dog is in the show ring (except the Mighty Lilly, of course!).
Narci finished the year off in grand style, taking the Open of Group in the last big All Breeds show of the year. Both the BIS and Reserve were from the Open class, so unfortunately, we never got to walk him out to see if he could go all the way. Never mind, there is always next year.
In the meantime, we look forward to the first of his and Niki’s babies due in December and hope that we will eventually convince “Narpissus” to stop cocking his leg on every vertical surface he encounters in his attempts to mark out the entire South Island of New Zealand as his territory.
Although this is by no means a complete list, the following are some of the highlights of Narci’s first show season in New Zealand.
Best of Breed, Dog CC, Intermediate of Breed at the Otago Kennel Association Show in Dunedin (4 days after he arrived in NZ)
Best of Breed, Dog CC, Intermediate in Group at the Geraldine County Kennel Association Champ Show
Reserve Best of Breed, Dog CC, Intermediate in Group at the Nelson Ladies Kennel Association Champ Show 1
Dog CC, Intermediate in Group at the Nelson Ladies Kennel Association Champ Show 2
Best of Breed, Dog CC, Open of Breed at Ellsmere A & P Society Champ Show 2
Best of Breed, Dog CC, Open of Breed at the Canterbury Kennel Association Champ Show
Best of Breed, Dog CC, Open of Breed at the Forrester Park Management Committee (SHOW 2) Champ Show 2
Best of Breed, Dog CC, Open of Breed at the Forrester Park Management Committee Champ Show 1
Best of Breed, Dog CC, Open of Breed at the Forrester Park Management Committee Champ Show 3
Reserve Best in Show and Best Dog at the Dominion Chihuahua Club Open Show
Reserve Best of Breed, Dog CC, Open Dog at the Waimakariri Kennel Association Champ Show 1
Reserve Best of Breed, Dog CC, Open Dog Canterbury Kennel Association Champ Show
Best of Breed, 2 Dog CCs and Open in Group at the Canterbury Junior Kennel Society Shows
Reserve Best of Breed, Dog CC, Open in Show at the Dominion Chihuahua Club Inc Specialty Show