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Dr Tracey Tonkin BVSc (HONS)
Dec 28, 20249 min read
Why I supported the abolition of the Accredited Breeders Scheme
The ABS was open to abuse because it was too easy to join and required no knowledge of breeding or the breeds the “breeder” claimed

Kitaco Kennels
Oct 12, 20245 min read
Are you making your Chihuahua neurotic?
Over a dozen studies have found a relationship between neuroticism in owners and the behaviour of their pets.

Kitaco Kennels
Feb 15, 20223 min read
4 Really Good Reasons for Crating your Dog in the car
It may look adorable, but travelling with un-crated dogs can cause your beloved furbaby serious injury or death in an accident, even in an a

Kitaco Kennels
Dec 30, 20215 min read
Dem Bones - Kitaco now hip scoring all breeding dogs
The aim of hip scoring is to discover what our dogs have in store for them as they get older and to improve the hips of puppies to come

Kitaco Kennels
Nov 23, 20212 min read
Kitaco pups in La Trobe Uni study
ARG asked us to complete a survey about our breeding practices & we have now been invited to take part in the Phase 2 of their study

Kitaco Kennels
Nov 10, 20216 min read
Heartbreak of the One Ball Wonder
Of all the health outcomes we can't yet predict in breeding, Cryptorchidism, where a testicle fails to descend is the most heartbreaking

Kitaco Kennels
Sep 15, 20213 min read
Chihuahua Uglies - 5 Key Questions Answered
What are the 'Uglies" and what do they mean?

Kitaco Kennels
Sep 2, 20212 min read
The Danger Lurking in Dogs' Water Bowls
Dogs’ water bowls are a breeding ground for dangerous germs, a 2018 Hartpury University study proves, and some are way worse than others.

Kitaco Kennels
Aug 24, 20213 min read
What breeders of Merle Chihuahuas won't tell you
Merles are the newest trend to hit Chihuahuas with devastating consequences.

Kitaco Kennels
Aug 24, 20212 min read
The persisent myth of the Teacup Chihuahua
One of the most pervasive Chihuahua myths is the existence of the "teacup" Chihuahua.

Kitaco Kennels
Jul 1, 20212 min read
Kitaco & Petplan partnership protects pups for life*
From July 2021, Kitaco will include a full year of the Petplan Classic 1 Policy, valued at more than $500 in the price of our puppies

Kitaco Kennels
Jun 25, 20212 min read
Study Proves DNA not CH Title is the Best Breeding Guide
"Breeding Winners to Winners and the Unhappy Results (Part 1)" by Dr Carmen L Battaglia, is the featured article in this month's Canine Chro

Kitaco Kennels
May 19, 20213 min read
DNA Testing for Cryptorchid Dogs is on the Horizon
Having a dog with one or both testicles retained (cryptorchidism) is one of the most common congenital defects in all purebred dogs, especia

Kitaco Kennels
Apr 1, 20214 min read
4 Years in NZ - A love letter to GR CH, GR JNR CH, CACIB, NZ CH Mystic Legion Narcissus
It was a harrowing time at the airport, 4 years ago today, while we waited for the freight people at Air NZ to bring out our very first...

Kitaco Kennels
Dec 13, 20203 min read
The fascinating science of coat genetics
Although we do not breed for colour, understanding coat genetics is a powerful tool in managing the health of our puppies

Tracey Tonkin
Dec 29, 20192 min read
Chocolate Toxicity Calculator
Narci would chop off a leg and gladly hand it over in exchange for a slab of Whittaker’s Almond Gold. Sadly, chocolate is toxic to dogs

Kitaco Kennels
Nov 29, 20192 min read
The DNA that divides Chihuahuas and Great Danes
Scientists have identified a genetic marker that could explain why a Chihuahua is so much smaller than a Great Dane

Kitaco Kennels
Nov 26, 20191 min read
Discovering the secrets lurking in pedigrees
Although not our breed, the data mined through researching pedigrees is astonishing and it is well worth a read

Reprinted from BSAVA
Feb 1, 20193 min read
Study reveals powerful long-term impact of DNA tests on dog diseases
Our research highlights the fantastic work that has already been carried out by those breeders and breed clubs that have been utilising and

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