Despite the scorching weather, Team Kitaco had a great weekend, pulling out all the stops in Nelson to clean up in multiple shows with Duchess, Taco and Baroness Bubbles in the wonderful hands of our Team Kitaco Vice President In Charge of Awesome, Amba Waghorn. I mean, she shows in heels. The woman is fierce!
First out of the blocks was Baroness Bubbles (Kitaco's Deevyne Inspiration) who took Best of Breed and the Bitch CC and went on to take Best Puppy in Group in Show 1 under FCI Judge Ling Quan Meng (China). This was a particularly prestigious Group win as Ling Quan Meng is a very highly respected international All Breeds judge who will be judging at the World Dog Championships in Shanghai in April.
In the second show, not to be outdone by her little cousin, Duchess (NZ Ch Eldivino Rogue Trader at Kitaco) took the Bitch CC, Best of Breed and Best Intermediate of Group under international FCI All Breeds judge, Yogesh Tuteja of India. Mr Tuteja also awarded our darling Taco (Gemchi's Yum Yum Taco) the Dog CC and Reserve of Breed while Bubbles - proving her earlier win under a different international expert wasn't a fluke - went on to take the Best Puppy in Group for the second time.
The last show on Day 2 saw the Toys judged by Australian judge, Don Hunter. Team Kitaco dogs, so prized and admired by international judges the day before, were dumped completely in the 3rd show (a result I am sure the dogs were very pleased about, given the awful hot windy weather).
Oh well. You win some, you lose some, as they say. No dog can win every show, although it's certainly possible to lose all the time, a fact to which some exhibitors can attest, But you only learn by "doing", so it's great that the Nelson District Kennel Association is able to bring in a mix of highly respected international judges from China, India and Ireland, along with judges working towards their All Breeds qualification so they can benefit from the wisdom and knowledge of their international colleagues. Thanks to all the sponsors, too for the lovely ribbons and excellent prizes. So wish we'd been there to cheer Amba on.
All in all, though, it was a great weekend for Team Kitaco and we're even happy for the Chihuahua breed losers from Day 1 who I am sure were relieved they didn’t travel all that way to go home empty handed. It's nice to share.
Our mighty champions and their pretty ribbons. From left to right: Taco (he of the perpetually worried expression), sparky Baroness Bubblegum, the gorgeous Duchess Dinky Doll and finally, honorary Team Kitaco member, Baby Puppy of Group winner, Nimbus the Italian Greyhound