Another winning weekend for the Team Kitaco Chihuahuas, this time in Wellington at the Hutt Valley Kennel Society shows, thanks to the wonderful handling of Amba Waghorn of what we have now dubbed "Auntie Amba's Toy Dog Finishing School".
In the first of the weekend's 4 shows, Toby (El-Toro Tobias at Teddee) took another Dog Challenge, winning Best Dog, Best NZ Bred of Breed, topping it off with a Reserve Best of Breed, coming in behind his kennel-mate, Rosie (El-Toro Golden Rose) handled by our favourite Nationals roomies, Fleur and Lavinia from El-Toro Kennels. Kaley (El-Toro Liv-N-Doll at Teddee) took Best Junior of Breed, Duchess (NZ CH Eldivino Rogue Trader at Kitaco) won her class, too, winning the Open Best Bitch.
Even a rough ferry ride across the straits can't put the brakes on little Alice's (Kitaco's Jappy Jalapeno) winning streak. She took Baby Puppy of Breed in a strong field and topped it off with the Reserve Best Bitch CC, as well. Not bad for a pup going through the dreaded "uglies".
Show 2 saw Kaley proving to her brother Toby, that she can do anything he can do, by taking the Best Bitch CC in addition to taking the Best Junior of Breed again. Toby took the Reserve Best Dog CC, Duchess outdid herself by taking Best Open of Breed while Alice blew away the competition in the Baby Puppy class again, and took Best Baby Puppy of Breed.
Day 2 saw the Kaley/Toby rivalry reach new heights with the Kitaco kids taking both the Best and Reserve of Breed! Not once but twice!
Toby took Best of Breed, Best Dog, the Dog CC and Best NZ Bred of Breed while Kaley won the Best Bitch and Bitch CC, Best Junior of Bred in addition to Reserve Best of Breed. Duchess took Best Open of Breed while a tired little Alice still managed Reserve Baby Puppy of Breed.
So, not a bad haul for 4 shows.
2 Best of Breeds
3 Reserve Best of Breeds
3 Best Dog CCs
3 Best Bitch CCs
3 Best Open of Breed
3 Best NZ Bred of Breed
4 Best Junior of Breed
2 Best Baby Puppy of Breed