In our apparently absurd quest to not miss a single worthwhile show in the South Island this year, Team Kitaco spent the weekend in Nelson, home to Duchess, Bubbles (and sometimes Taco) at the Nelson Ladies Kennel Association shows with the delightful Amba Waghorn, Team Kitaco's Vice President in Charge of Being Fabulous.

Show 1, under Australian Judge, William Smith, was Baroness Bubblegum's (NZ CH Kitaco's Deevyne Inspiration) moment to shine in the Long Coats. She took Best Junior, the Best Bitch CC and then went on to beat out her Daddy, Narci, for Best of Breed. Her auntie, Duchess (NZ CH Eldivino Rogue Trader at Kitaco), took the Best Reserve Bitch and Intermediate of Breed, Narci (Gr CH, Gr Jnr CH, NZ CH Mystic Legion Narcissus (Imp Greece)) took the Best Dog CC and Open of Breed,
Our gorgeous Smooth Coats then took to the ring and cleaned up as well. Spenny (NZ CH El-Toro Rey Spencer at Kitaco) and Delilah (Maraschino Princess Ala) took Best of Breed and Reserve of Breed respectively. Spenny also took the Best Dog CC and the Intermediate of Breed while Delilah was a shoe-in for the Best Bitch CC and the NZ Bred of Breed class. We are delighted at how well young Delilah is progressing. She gains more confidence with every show and is starting to display such a ring presence you can't take your eyes off her. Seriously, it's as if she's the only dog in the ring, sometimes,
The Group judging was a little bittersweet. The always impressive Spenny got our hopes up when he was shortlisted by the judge for the Best of Group but was knocked out by the eventual winner as was Narci in the Open Class. Young Baroness Bubblegum was still on a roll, though and took the Junior of Group, although she too, was knocked out of the Best In Show Age classes by the eventual BIS winners
Never mind. Show 2, under NZ Judge, Dianne Tyssen, was just as much fun. Kitaco dogs again dominated both Chihuahua line-ups, This time is was #DontTouchMeTara's turn to shine. She beat her sister, Bubbles, to the Best Bitch CC, Junior of Breed and then took Reserve Best of Breed behind her daddy, Narci, who took Best of Breed, the Best Dog CC and Open of Breed. Bubbles had to settle for Reserve Best Bitch, Duchess took Intermediate of Breed,
The Smooth Team - Spenny and Delilah - repeated their success from the earlier show, taking the Best and Reserve of Breed as well at the Best Dog and Best Bitch CCs, Intermediate and NZ Bred of Breed.

In Sunday's show with Australian Judge, Denise Smith, Narci again took Best of Breed, the Best Dog CC and Open of Breed. Not to be overshadowed by her sister for too long, Bubbles took back the Best Bitch CC and Reserve Best of Breed. #DontTouchMeTara had probably had enough touching for one weekend anyway. Lovely Taco (Gemchi Yum Yum Taco), with his adorable and perpetually-worried expression (even when he's deliriously happy), took Reserve Best Dog.
The Kitaco Smooth Team were the stars of the day, however. Spenny and Delilah repeated their previous day's results, but then Spenny decided to prove that his shortlisting in the first show was no fluke. He was again shortlisted by the judge in the Group line-up and went on to take the Intermediate of Group.
But best of all, our lovely Smooth Coat girl, Delilah, is now a NZ champion*!
We are so thrilled with this girl. After giving her time to settle in, she has proved to be everything we could have hoped for and more. Sparky, confident and striking, since we started showing her a couple of months ago, she has won every CC on offer and only once not taken the Reserve Best of Breed. She is yet to take the Best of Breed in the South Island (her one show in the North Island resulted in a Best of Breed - tougher competition down here!), but given she is up against our spectacular NZ National Champ, Spenny, (and his equally nice brother, Rusty, on occasion) that's a hard call for any little Smooth Coat girl. Spenny is on notice though. Maybe that's why he's been showing so well lately. He's trying to impress his new girlfriend!
Home now for a few days' rest before we do it all again at the North Canterbury and Fairlie shows over Easter where we have another exciting debut with our new star, Tabitha the Pom, entering the show ring for the first time.
*Dogs NZ approval pending