What a brilliant weekend we had at the Buller Kennel Association shows at Carter's Beach.
With so many fabulous results, it's hard to know where to begin. So we'll just have to do this one breed at a time.
Long Coat Chihuahuas
Our girls were the stars of our Long Coat team. In both Show 1 and Show 2, Nikita (NZ CH Eldivino Senorita Nikita) and Bubbles (NZ CH Kitaco's Deevyne Inspiration) took Best and Reserve Best of Breed as well as Best Bitch and Reserve Best Bitch, respectively. Nikita then went to take NZ Bred of Group on both days.
Judge Narelle Hammond (Aust) remarked that Nikita was a "truly lovely little bitch".
Smooth Coat Chihuahuas
Sampson the Handsome (El-Toro My Nemesis) absolutely stole the show, taking Reserve Best of Breed in Show 1 and then blowing everyone away by taking Best of Breed (in only his 4th show!) in Show 2 and Best Baby Puppy of Group in both shows!

Judge Ken Hammond (Aust) took us aside after the shows and his exact words were "this little guy is going to be a big star". Sammy didn't manage a Baby Puppy in Show, but he pretty much brought the house down when he just ran up to Judge Narelle Hammond in the Best Baby Puppy in Show lineup in Show 2 and demanded she pick him up for a cuddle and carry him to the table. Talk about trying to unfairly influence the judge!
Astro (Tribble Astronimicl at Ktrio) took Best Dog, the Best Dog CC and Best of Breed in both shows and is now (Dogs NZ approval pending) our newest NZ Champion,
Russian Toy (co-owned with Amba Waghorn)
Lady (AUS CH Nightwood Tsarina of Alucard (Imp Aust)) saved the best for last, taking Best of Breed, the Best Bitch CC and Reserve Best of Group and Best Open of Group. Judge, Narelle Hammond, told us Lady was the best Russian Toy she had ever seen and it was a toss-up between her and the Low Chen for the Best of Group - "it was this close!" she told us after the show. Wow.
In Show 2, Lady again took Best of Breed, the Best Bitch CC and Best Open of Group.

You might think we'd be disappointed that Lady didn't take a top Group placing both days, but in the absolute best twist, the Reserve Best of Group went to the lovely Italian Greyhound, Nimbus, (NZ Ch Beesholme On Cloud Nine), who just happens to be co-owned by our very own Amba Waghorn (CoutureNZ) and Caitlin McPhail (Brindisi) and who was staying with us as an honorary Team Kitaco member for the weekend, so we couldn't have been happier for Amba and Caitlin's wonderful win.
With COVID-19 on the loose we're not likely to have many shows coming up for a few months, so this was an absolutely wonderful way to end our truncated show season. Gives us time to work on the even more exciting new prospects we have coming up later in the year - Liliana and Peyton.