This weekend we were back on the Champ Show circuit at The Plains Kennel Association shows, and the weekend belonged to our gorgeous Ava, who won the Best NZ Bred of Group on Saturday against a really strong line-up. Australian judge. Mrs Carolyn Butler from NSW, handed the ribbon over with the comment "such a lovely dog". Ben took Reserve Best of Breed and Best Dog in the same show.
On Sunday, Australian judge, Sandra Mashford (Victoria), awarded her Best Bitch and Best of Breed as well. The judge was so sweet, telling Ava on the table "My, you're a pretty girl, aren't you? I bet you know how pretty you are, too!"
We ended up scratching Narci on Saturday, as Tracey went into the clinic to do a quick TCI and ended up staying to help with an emergency so she got stuck there all day, and the Himalyan Floof Goblin does love his mummy, so Jenny and Debra were left to soldier on without her, with just Ava and Ben.
Ava's somewhat unexpected Group win - against such a strong field of quality dogs - proved they're actually OK when left unsupervised (and sans alcohol) although Debra couldn't resist buying Tinky a shiny new lead (Tinky's still in season so she was at home, pining for the boys) and the two of them did concoct a great new fundraising idea for the Chihuahua Club while they were waiting around with Ava for the Best in Show judging to start.
On Sunday, the Floof Goblin did us proud and beat out his upstart grandson, Ben, to take Reserve Best Dog, even with his dad bod and his ridiculously floofy coat. We also brought Stella out for the day, now she's no longer in season, and were pleased to see she was back to her cuddly, happy self. The hilarious talky-barky thing she started in Dunedin is still with us, though, only now she uses it to demand cuddles. Fortunately, it's not hard to find someone who wants to cuddle Stella, so she had a pretty good time.
So all in all, a great weekend. We got two of the 4 CC's on offer, a Best of Breed, a Reserve Best of Breed and a fabulous Group win.
Thanks to The Plains committee for a couple of well run shows and some perfect Spring weather, which we have no doubt they arranged on purpose, LOL.
Thanks to Jorga Dixon for the fabulous shot of the Floof Goblin.