This weekend we headed off to Pleasant Point for the South Canterbury Kennel Association Champ Shows with Ben, Ava and our 9-year-old veteran, Narci.
The weather was deceptive. The forecast said it was going to be a balmy 17’ (62.6’F) and even warmer on Sunday with a 30% change of rain… after 3 pm. So, we left our warm jackets at home, and figured we’d be well on our way on Sunday before (and if) it started to rain.
Well, that turned out to be a load of bollocks. Saturday was freezing, with a chill wind that cut through to the very bone, followed by gale force winds and rain overnight, followed by even more rain the next morning. The whole toy group lined up in the rain on Sunday, which eased off (complete with spectacular rainbow) right after the group judging was finished. Of course.
Anyway, we had a great time, despite the weather, the highlight of which was the Himalayan Floof Goblin, Narci (GR CH, GR JNR CH, NZ CH, Mystic Legion Narcissus), our gorgeous old Greek boy, at 9 years old, took Best of Breed on Saturday under Australian Judge, Mrs Jane Armatys (QLD).
He showed so well, and is such a delight that we were utterly thrilled. Not only were the Chihuahuas the largest breed entered in the Toy Group, Narci also beat out his daughter Ava, who took Best NZ Bred of Breed and Reserve Bitch, and his upstart little grandson, Ben, who took Best Junior of Breed.
We stayed at the show for the rest of the day, because our new gazebo is awesome and quite wind-proof. It kept us very cozy and meant the dogs could bark all they wanted or cuddle up on a lap without annoying anyone (or breaking any pesky “no dogs on the furniture” motel rules), and they didn’t have to be penned, because the gazebo (so we thought) was escape-proof.
Well, Ben put paid to that idea. It took him less than 20 minutes to discover the back door. We didn’t even realise he was gone until we spied him trotting happily past the entrance and heading off to check out the show on his own.
Next thing we hear outside is “Hello, little fella,” followed by Ben’s new best friend calling our “Hey! I think I’ve got your dog!”.
With Ben retrieved and back in the pen, we spent the next half our or so working out ways to Ben-proof the gazebo. We have a plan now, so next time we put the Mojo Dojo Casa Kitaco up, Ben will stay inside, LOL.
We had dinner and some laughs at the show grounds with some dog-show friends in the evening before heading back to the motel for an early night.
Sunday dawned… wet, cold and windy. It had been blowing a gale overnight, and the 3 pm rain was a good 12 hours early. This didn’t bother our kids though, and under Australian Judge, Mr Richard Watson (TAS), Ben took Best of Best of Breed, Best Dog and Best Junior of Breed, Ava took Reserve Best of Breed, Best Bitch and Best NZ Bred of Breed, and Narci took Reserve Best Dog and Best Open of Breed.
Nice clean sweep for Team Kitaco. The judge was lovely (he pretty much got a cuddle off every puppy put in front of him), stoically judged through the rain, and clearly knew his Chihuahuas, so it was an honour to have him put all of our dogs up.
But the weekend really did belong to Narci. Not bad for a 9-year-old to take a Best of Breed against a full field and then he got the Reserve Dog on Sunday, as well!
Thanks to the South Canty Committee for putting on – yet again – some great shows, although I think you need to fire whoever on the committee was responsible for booking the weather.